What is IP address | How IP address Works | IP address structure with its ranges | Classful IP address

IP Address

 What is IP address

An IP address is a unique global address for a network interface.

IP address is a 32 bit long indentifier.

Encodes a network number & a host number.

IP address structure with its ranges

IP address consist of four section.

Each section is 8 bits long.

Each section can range from 0 to 255.

Written for example,

5 classes of IP address A B C D  and E

Class A reserved for governments.

Class B reserved for medium companies.

Class C reserved for small companies.

Class D are reserved for multicasting.

Class E are reserved for future use.

IP Address

Classful IP address

IP address structure consists of two Address, Network and Host.

IP address is divided into Five classes.

IP Address

IP Address

Class  A :-

Class A addresses are assigned to networks with a very large number of hosts.

The high-order bit in a class A address is always set to zero.

The next seven bits complete the network ID.

The remaining 24 bits represent the host ID.

Class B :- 

Class B addresses are assigned to medium sized to large sized networks.

The two high order bits in a class B address are always set to binary 10.

The next 14 bits complete the network ID.

The remaining 16 bits represent the host ID.

Class C :-

Class C addresses are used for small networks.

The three high order beats in a class c address are always Set 10 binary 1  1  0.

The next 21 bits complete the network ID.

The remaining 8 bits represent the host ID.

Class D & E :-

Class D addresses are reserved for IP multicast addresses.

The four high order bits  in a class D addresses are always set  to binary 1 1 1 0.

The remaining bits are for the address that interested   host recognise.

Class E is an experimental  addresses that  is reserved for future use.

The higher order bits in class E adress  are set to 1 1 1 1 .

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